In many instances, we can observe the health of our bodies through just our eyes. Does that sound intriguing? Definitely, it is more reality than fantasy. Illnesses gradually progressing in your system can be detected early on from our eyes. There are symptoms that show in our eyes that go a long way in suggesting that things may be deteriorating in your overall wellbeing. Let us, therefore, look at some of these eye symptoms that are suggestive of a health problems.
The most common possible health issue is blurred vision
The truth is having blurred vision is not good news at all. When your vision starts losing clarity with increasing haziness. In the most common circumstances, it suggests that diabetes may not be too far off. Blurred vision is closely related to leaking blood vessels in your retina. In other scenarios, your vision could get blurred when the sugar levels in your blood increase. This can also trigger leakage of these blood vessels located in your retina.
When your optic nerves start suffering inflammation, blurred vision can occur. Now, this peculiar sort of inflammation is much identified with multiple sclerosis. This further suggests that you may also be suffering from syphilis or even measles. Aside from diabetes, other health conditions can also incite blurred vision. Blurred vision can signal migraines or even worse a stroke and brain hemorrhage.
When you start suffering night blindness
Traditionally night blindness is a situation where you find it exhaustive seeing in limited light. Basically, you struggle to see when the light is low. Therefore, you may find it intensely problematic driving well at night or even taking an unplanned stroll to the bathroom. Night blindness tells you that more is wrong – you are at high susceptibility to cataracts and glaucoma. You might be baffled to learn as well that night blindness is also associated with diabetes.

Night blindness is a descendant of Vitamin A deficiency. While you may not easily see this deficiency in every day live, its occurrence is typical of when there is an inadequate absorption of Vitamin A owing possibly to a liver disorder.
When your eyes begin to bulge
Bulging eyes are candid reasons to worry. The common precursor to bulging eyes is a thyroid gland that is overactive. This is in most cases caused by Graves disease. This particular disease compels the swelling of the tissues located behind your eyes. But more than the Graves disease, bulging eyes could also be symptoms of leukemia or cancer. In other cases, your eyes can swell when you have an infection.
Are you having an abrupt change in your vision?
A quick and unprecedented change in your vision could be quite worrisome. It is not wise to sweep this under the carpet. Sudden changes in vision suggest the formation of macular degeneration (that is age-related). This takes a heavy toll on your central vision. As well, there could be the formation of dark spots in your vision. This could suggest that there is an emerging detachment of your retina from the back of your eye.
All these symptoms tell you that your general health is not very appropriate hence adequate medical proceedings need to be initiated to get you back to the path of health. Make sure to visit your eye doctor whenever any changes to you vision occur for adequate observation.