When Can You Use Antibiotics for Pink Eye?

Pink Eye, formally known as conjunctivitis, is a medical situation where one suffers an inflammation or possibly an infection of the transparent membrane in the eyes. This happens in such a way that the inflammation conceals the white territory of your eyeball. It becomes really conspicuous when there is inflammation in the tiny blood vessels located in the transparent membrane. One way Pink Eye therefore manifests is churning the white parts of your eyeball into something pinkish or quite reddish.

Pink eye is no new situation, a good chunk of us might have come across it, or suffered from it personally. Sometimes the eyelids of the patients get really swollen, other times it is accompanied with discharge of water while the eyes become itchy.

There are three types of Pink Eye afflictions in existence. The bacterial denomination, the viral and that precipitated by allergy. However, many people tend to cluster these three types of Pink Eye under one umbrella and attempt to treat all Pink Eye conditions with antibiotics. But this is essentially wrong, as not all solutions to Pink Eye are treated with antibiotic eye drops. In fact, research has audibly pointed out that 20% of patients who hurriedly treat their pink eye with antibiotic-steroid eyedrops could end up making things worse.

Shedding light on this, we see that the most common cases of Pink Eye are promulgated by virus. It is basic science that antibiotics don’t have the medicinal jurisdiction to prosecute viruses: antibiotics don’t kill viruses either. The other common type of Pink Eye is provoked by allergies like dust mites, colds or even pets. Antibiotics don’t resolve such problems, unfortunately.

The common Pink Eye which is caused by virus, usually comes with a flu or occasionally with sore throat. The allergic Pink Eye may come with asthma or even hay fever. But in most common cases, the bacterial variant is typically resplendent in symptoms like a yellow-green discharge, most times it is comes thickly even in the absence of flu or even cold.

So now you see how resorting to antibiotics for any Pink Eye is at times ineffective. In precise terms, the only situation where antibiotics might come in as necessary is when the Pink Eye is bacterial. Even on face of this, resorting to such antibiotics for bacterial Pink Eye is almost needless since the situation is usually not intense, with many cases of Pink Eye clearing up within a couple of weeks with no antibiotics or detailed treatment needed. Also keep in mind that antibiotics could actually have an adverse side-effect should they be used without the direction of a medical professional.