
How to Recover From iLASIK and Cataract Eye Surgeries

iLASIK surgery and cataract surgery are vision correction procedures that rank highest among the most common eye surgery procedures available. In fact, both iLASIK and cataract eye surgery operations share many basic similarities. Admittedly both surgical operations have impressive success rates with most patients, therefore increasing the appeal of those surgical exercises. However, after all the rigors of the surgical exercise itself, there is the eventual place of recovery, as aftercare is a very important phase of the post-surgery process.

In most cases, immediately after the iLASIK eye surgery exercise, the patient has to wear a pair of clear goggles (protective) until dawn. Following this, the patient maintains the regiment of wearing the protective goggles at bedtime for the following four days. After a cataract operation, however, an eye patch may not all be a necessity. But then you will need to wear a plastic shield, possibly for a span of seven days after surgery.

One good thing about both iLASIK and cataract eye operations is that you don’t need a long recovery after your surgery. You can quickly get back to your basic daily activities within 24 hours. Nonetheless, for those more intense tasks coming with an elevated level of eye stress, you could take the precaution of waiting say 5-6 days before resuming your normal daily activities.

For cataract removal surgery, there is no need for alarm if, following the removal of the plastic shield, you notice your sight being relatively blurred, cloudy or even distorted. It is quite normal for patients to notice such symptoms of haziness and vision distortion in the first few hours after removing the plastic shield. This is because it is going to take a while for your vision system to conform fully well with your artificial lens that has taken the place of the cataract-afflicted lens that was removed during your surgery. Therefore, achieving sharp focus in your vision immediately after the surgery may not be that possible. Moreover, there is a variety across the span of the healing process for different individuals, as well as a differing adaptation process across patients. Even in some cases, your eyes could get itchy and even bloodshot. This is not completely abnormal, so if this occurs, it shouldn’t incite worry, as patients should be seeing notable improvements in their vision within four weeks.

iLASIK recovery spans are usually shorter than the span required for cataract surgery. Some patients in the case of iLASIK can enjoy such a fast pace of restoration to their eyesight.

For both iLASIK and cataract removal surgeries, patients may need steroid drops, as well as antibiotic prescriptions after surgery.

Aside from all these, it is imperative for patients to observe some basic precautionary measures after their surgery. Patients should refrain from an excessive rubbing of their eyes while trying their best to avoid a direct impact of bright lights on their eyes. Also, patients should religiously wear their eye shields for the prescribed periods after surgery: 4 days for LASIK and 7 days for cataract. In the case of sustained eye vision abnormalities, you should schedule an appointment with your eye doctor.

iLASIK surgery