Certainly, driving can be pleasurable isn’t it? You cruising majestically through the road from the effortless comfort of your steering wheel. However, driving is one activity that greatly needs your eyes even more than your limbs. You will have to focus on the road as objects, pedestrians and fellow drivers appear and disappear. You would also have to combat distraction coping with the oncoming headlights and even put up with the glare of the sun.
Without doubt, this strain is going to affect your eyes, whether greatly or not. If not well managed, it will affect how effectively (and how safe) you drive. Therefore, maintaining healthy eye practices when driving becomes necessary. First, what is your legal responsibility as a driver pertaining to your eyes?
Regarding driving and eyesight, what is your legal responsibility?
When driving a motorbike or a car, you are expected to have vision healthy enough to at least read a plate number and see road symbols which have dimensions of 79mm and a width of 50mm. You should be able to read such objects from a 60 ft distance. Also, you should have a minimum visual acuity of 6/12 with your two eyes open. This could as well be done with your prescription glasses or your contact lens as the case may be. It is legally demanded that you have a broad field of vision. When you are driving a bus or a semi trailer, you should have an even higher vision standard.
In the situation where you don’t meet these requirements, the invalidation of your insurance becomes a possibility. Don’t forget that it is punishable by law to be driving with an uncorrected defective vision. More than the damages you can wreak, you stand further punishments in form of heavy fines.
Basically, your driving test should include an eyesight test where you would be required to read number plates. When you get to 70 years of age, you should do further sight checks. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you wear corrective eyewear when needed.
Further precautions for your sight when driving
Road mishaps are almost an unavoidable reality with a poor vision. Make a strong habit of wearing your prescription glasses when you drive. Moreover, don’t forget to keep your glasses reasonably clean. Sunglasses could also be helpful when behind the wheel to protect your eyes from the UV rays from the sun. Polarized lenses could equally be of great value to reduce the effect of the glare emanating from objects on the road and even the glare from the road itself.
If possible, when you drive long distances, you can take breaks at intervals. This would greatly help to reduce the fatigue on your eyes and consequent strain. To be on a safer side, ensure to clean your taillights as well as your headlights for good lighting when driving. Also, make sure your windshield is clean both in the inside and on the outside. This will help you see more easily.
In all, always get regular eye examinations from your eye doctor to ensure that your eyes are in good condition, as well as determining if your prescription glasses are still current.